Specialism is a state of Mind...
and a state of Art
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At a time when we are getting seriously prepared to go into wholesale distribution with at least one major player with our consumer products, we are also realizing another goal; the maturing of our 'be-spoke' service.
This is where we take a specialist handheld device in heavy everyday use and put our own special spin on how best to protect it.
Take the above. It's an EFTPOS pin-pad as used in a drive-thru burger-bar scenario. You know the place; drive in, talk to the squawk-box, place your order, pay your money, collect the napkin and then the order and drive off as a satisfied customer.
Although most all manufacturers know that their devices need to be rugged and robust enough to handle the everyday stress of performing in a variety of situations, many cannot appreciate exactly how their machines will be used in every individual operational environment.
That's where Nutshell comes in; we deliver the 'last mile' in protection. The sort of stuff that the original developers never envisaged.
And after some 11 years we have grown to know what our customers' expect. A good, solid long-lasting solution that looks professional, and does the job; delivering protection in the field.